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MG & Sons Masonry
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2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety)
2700 Signs posted at Job Site entrance and on peri...
Course categories:
1000 New Employee Orientation
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1100 Check list for New Employee Orientation
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1200 AGC 20-Minute New employee orientation video
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1300 Employee Handbook
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1400 Safety Manual and Employee's responsibilities for Safety
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1500 Safety Forms (Fillable Forms)
1000 New Employee Orientation / 1600 SDS Inventory and manual, Trinium,Inc.
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety)
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2100 Superintendent's scope of Work
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2200 Superintendent's Safety Checklist,Start of Construction Project
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2300 Pre-Construction Meeting with Sub-Contractors
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2400 Federal and State Labor Posters on Job Site
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2500 Emergency Action Plan, to be posted on Job Site/ Job Trailer
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2600 Emergency Numbers, post on Job Site.
2000 superintendents General Responsibility (Safety) / 2700 Signs posted at Job Site entrance and on perimeter Fence( minimum signage listed below)
3000 Superintendents's Weekly Responsibility (Safety)
3000 Superintendents's Weekly Responsibility (Safety) / 3100 Weekly Job Site Inspection Checklist
3000 Superintendents's Weekly Responsibility (Safety) / 3200 TOOL BOX TALK (General Topics)
4000 Superintendent's Daily Responsibility (Safety)
4000 Superintendent's Daily Responsibility (Safety) / 4100 Equipment inspection Form, Required Daily
5000 Employee's Daily Responsibility (Safety)
5000 Employee's Daily Responsibility (Safety) / 5100 Employee's responsibilities are outlined in the MG& Sons Safety Manual
6000 Sub-Contractors Responsibility (Safety)
6000 Sub-Contractors Responsibility (Safety) / 6100 Sub-Contractor' "Owners" Safety Agreement
6000 Sub-Contractors Responsibility (Safety) / 6200 Sub-Contractor "workers" Safety Agreement
7000 Safety Officer's Responsibility (Outside Services) (Additional Cost when provided)
8000 Job Site, Safety Audits (Documentation location when Job Site, Safety Audits Completed)
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